Theological Confusion

God, Prophets, Books, Spirits, Predestination (Islamic fatalism), Eschatology (final times) – six words that the Christian will recognize.

Unfortunately a tragedy when the most serious researcher realizes that this is where most theological similarities are misinterpreted. The words may be the same, but the concepts and deep spiritual truths within these concepts are very different.

Likewise, Muslim missionaries highlight prayer, fasting, affirmation of faith (the Shahadah), pilgrimage and giving as practices similar to Christianity, or sometimes proudly presented as much more difficult to follow than those of Christianity. More often Islamic practices and definitions are imposed on Christian practices.

To be Christians relevant and effective for our time, we need to find a clear path through all this confusion about the fundamental beliefs and practices of Islam.

Do we also need to consider it through the grid of biblical teaching?

The world needs to know that while Islam has borrowed texts from ancient pre-Islamic sources, including Christian and Jewish heretical stories, as well as pagan sources, they are not in line with biblical texts and thought.

Ministry Islamecom seeks to shed light in the midst of great confusion in our world, exposing the thesis that on every central point of the Gospel, Islam teaches the opposite.

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