SCAI, Apologetic and Islamistic cares 4 our Christian Student generation


The Christian School for Apologetics on Islam (S.C.A.I.)


… it is an academic degree that combines the study of apologetics on Islam with specialized biblical and theological studies aimed at the local church or the intercultural ministry or for those who are interested in continuing their degree studies in apologetics.


This is the first and as of today, the only apologetic school in Italy (of an evangelical background) that specializes on Islam. The aim is to train a new generation of believers in Christ capable of reaching Muslims in Italy and beyond, which are aware of the Muslim mindset and Islamic theology and well-rooted in biblical theology. Our students may already have attended a biblical school, but still require specific skills to unleash their full potential ministry.The training provided is not only theoretical in nature, but above all very practical, and with an emphasis on evangelistic / missionary work.

Students will be learning techniques and strategies to approach their Muslim friends in the most appropriate way, also using their relationship as the driving force and as an opportunity for witnessing.

Following this growth path, students will acquire more wisdom and sensitivity, and hopefully, reach a state of looking and loving people as Jesus did.

We expect each of our students to be able to look at their Muslim neighbors with their own eyes and, provided with the training resources that we will provide, to be more involved and proactive in the mission and God’s work among Muslims in Italy and beyond. The driving force behind S.C.A.I. has been Dr. Maggio who cares deeply about the Christian and Islamic community in Italy and advocates a respectful dialogue between them.
Dr. Maggio’s vision for S.C.A.I., which has been in the back of his mind since 1992 and which has been established legally in early October 2021, strive with tenacity to improve the education on Islam. 

The purpose of S.C.A.I.

Christian School for Apologetics on Islam seeks to fulfill a need, which emerges from some of the premises listed below. We acknowledge that Islam has shown:

                         ° to be teaching the exact opposite of key points of the gospel

                         ▪  to undermine and undo the work of Christ


      S.C.A.I. opens its doors in September

The Christian School of Apologetics on Islam (S.C.A.I.) aims to promote the education of Christians who have limited or no experience in this field. This vision is fully shared and stimulated by the co-founders of the school and its specialised staff.

S.C.A.I. Seeks to support churches and missions in witnessing the Good News to their Muslim neighbours, introducing them to biblical and historical evangelical Christianity.

Is supporting students in a targeted way and provides them with the opportunity to put into practice everything they have learned in the program for a dialogue with someone from a Islam.



       * Makes comparisons between Islam and the Christian faith, aiming to expose the authentic doctrinal nature of Islam.

  • Teaches the origins, fundamental doctrines and practices of Islam, including its beliefs about Christianity in its erroneous concepts regarding the Christian faith, the Bible and of Christ.
  • Supports churches and missions in their effort to settle the interreligious dispute  with Islam, which often are a cause of the source of a misunderstanding between Muslims and Christians.
  • Provides academic information for evangelical denominations in their dealings with
  • Muslims in Italy, and if required, helping the churches.
  • In the light of the current challenges, S.C.A.I. thaving seen the growing syncretistic   tendencies, which have shown to undermine the Christian testimony, S.C.A.I. takes the initiative for the recovery of biblical truths.
  • We feel the realisation of S.C.A.I. occurs in a moment in history and is destined to    fill an existing void in our evangelical landscape.

May S.C.A.I. be welcomed in the churches! With combined efforts, we can further the cause and help spread the Gospel among our Muslim neighbours, to the glory of God.

  Dr. Francesco Maggio 
  For further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
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