Scusa SCAI – Francesco Maggio Bio


Chi é Francesco Maggio ?



Francesco Maggio (Catania, Italy, June 19, 1955) has been a full-time missionary within the Italian evangelical churches since 1992, focusing on apologetics and polemics aimed at Muslims.



Francesco Maggio



In 2021 he was awarded the degree Honoris Causae (D.D., Doctor in Divinity) by the Faculty of Theology at Vision International University (VIU) in California.


Having founded in 2001 the first pioneering Italian mission among Muslims in Italy, called Meta Onlus, this was followed in 2021 by the founding of the * SCAI – Christian School of Apologetics and Islamistic,* with a focus on Muslim evangelism, where he serves as a professor and at Shepherd International University.


Maggio, while not accepting accounts of divine revelation of the Koran, also engages in public evangelism with Muslims, with the goal of sharing the Christian faith through respectful and informed critical discussion.between Christianity and Islam.


Francesco Maggio is married and the father of three children. He is grandfather to one grandchild

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